Imagine, if you will, that you've found yourself in a concrete and metal box. It's approximately six feet wide, eight feet long, and eight feet tall. The walls are thick steel reinforced bricks, and your bed, bathroom, and desk (the only furniture in the box) are all made of steel. You have no control over the lights in your box, nor can you block out the noise of the one hundred other people also locked in such boxes all around you. Welcome to a prison cell. Now, there's much more to it, but as a "formerly incarcerated individual" I can tell you that it's the first thing I noticed about being incarcerated. Every morning, I'd wake up to the same walls, noise, crap food, and then deal with people that I'd never have even thought about when I was home. It's not exactly the best way to start your day, as you might imagine. The highlight of my own days in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections were the days that the other Pagans and I were allowed to ...